We help reduce the anxiety and confusion by navigating and supporting you through the unknown world of separation, divorce, parenting time and decision-making responsibilities. We provide both clinical services in the form of counselling and therapy, and consultations to professionals to assist where there are legal proceedings.
We offer an individualized approach to parenting/co-parenting education. We help and support parents by allowing them to recognize behaviours that may cause more conflict or make life more difficult for children growing up between two homes. A common goal is to help with communication, for example how to tell children about your separation and how to properly send text messages to avoid high conflict. Better communication will lead to better outcomes. Counselling is a short term intervention strategy with a focus towards finding a balance of stability while transitioning through a very difficult time. Counselling is different from therapy where recommendations, strategies and ideas towards change may come directly from the social worker.
We are Voice of the Child practitioners trained to complete Voice of the Child Reports (VCR) which share the wishes and preferences of the child, and give children a chance to be heard during family law proceedings. Voice of the Child Reports are completed with the consent of all parties involved, including the child(ren).
Rise Up Counselling does not invoice insurance companies directly. Most benefit companies offer social work coverage. Please review your personal benefit package.
66 Centre St, Thornhill, ON L4J 1E9