About Us

Helping you navigate separation and divorce.

About Gabbi & Helen

Gabbi Silverberg and Helen Yack are social workers who began their careers in child welfare in 1999 where they not only grew their professional knowledge and skills, but became close friends who bonded over broken hearts, new babies, toddler tantrums and teenage angst.

Throughout the years, Gabbi and Helen had a vision of supporting families who are in high conflict, stressful situations who may be managing multiple systems such as child welfare, family court and possibly the criminal justice system. Gabbi and Helen know that being a parent is one of the most rewarding, important and yet often, most challenging jobs in the world. Their ultimate goal is for parents to maintain a solid, healthy and productive relationship with their children while they navigate these systems.

Gabbi and Helen have decades of experience and the knowledge to help manage the complicated and confusing feelings associated with these stressful situations, while maintaining a focus on the best interests of the child.

Helen Yack

Helen is a highly skilled professional with significant experience in assessment, treatment, and crisis intervention both as a social worker and as a case manager. For more than a decade, Helen worked as a Senior Children’s Service Worker at the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto where she specialized in Child Protective Services. Helen successfully provided extensive support to families and children involved in the foster home and group home setting, with compassion, sensitivity and attention to detail.

Helen has worked extensively with families and children with complex needs, including Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and mental health struggles, both at the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto and in individual therapy. After 18 years of working at the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto, Helen shifted focus. She began providing social work support and case management to those involved in traumatic events such as motor vehicle collisions and thus impacted by brain injury, anxiety disorders, and depression. Helen utilizes a strengths-based and client-centred approach through a trauma-informed practice lens when working with individuals and families.

Helen graduated from Ryerson Polytechnic University with a degree in Social Work. She is collaboratively trained as a neutral family professional. She obtained a Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy from Adler Professional Graduate School and a Certificate in Trauma Counselling from the SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health. Helen is certified as a New Ways for Families Counsellor through the High Conflict Institute. Helen completed Foundation training in Voice of the Child Reports; she is a member of The Association of Family & Conciliation Courts. Helen is a Registered Social Worker in good standing with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers. She is also a member of the Ontario Association of Social Workers.

Gabbi Silverberg

Gabbi has over 20 years of experience supporting families dealing with trauma, child and adult mental health, substance issues and parenting struggles as well as leading teams of frontline staff working directly with families, youth and children in the field of child welfare. Gabbi uses a trauma-informed lens to help adults struggling in their relationships, dealing with parenting issues and going through separation and divorce. She takes a strength-based and client-centred approach to counselling, with a focus on equity and inclusion.

Gabbi earned her BSW at York University and MSW at the University of Windsor.  She completed foundation training in Voice of the Child Reports;  holds a certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Foundations through the Adler School; a certificate in Solution-Focused Counselling from Toronto Advance Professional Education at the University of Toronto; a certificate in Trauma Counselling from SickKids Centre for Community Health; and has completed a Leading for Impact Program through the Schulich School of Business at York University, including Level 1 and 2 of ‘Leading to Success with Emotional Intelligence,’ facilitated by Marko Consulting Services. Gabbi has facilitated a number of training programs in Critical Incident Debriefing, Secondary Traumatic Stress and Family-Centred Conferencing. Gabbi is a member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. She is a Registered Social Worker in good standing with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers and a member of the Ontario Association of Social Workers.

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